Saint-Sauveur, September 5, 2024 – During the second edition of the Forum on the Linguistic Rights of First Nations, held in the Manoir Saint-Sauveur on September 4 and 5, APNQL leaders assembled and endorsed a historic declaration on the rights to ancestral languages.
With adoption of the Indigenous Languages Act, we understood that we must keep informed about the issues and developments that impact our languages.
The Regional Committee on First Nations Languages (RCFNL) was created in 2020 by the AFNQL. The FNEC hosts the RCFNL in order to support operations and administration activities for the AFNQL. Major decisions will take place during meetings with representatives from the communities.
In August 2022, the Chiefs of the FNQL adopted the resolution 05-2022, in support of the Regional Committee on First Nations Languages. In September 2022, Chief Sipi Flamand accepted the appointment as AFNQL head language portfolio holder and to serve on the Chiefs Committee on Languages at the Assembly of First Nations (AFN).
In support of First Nations and in collaboration with them, the mission of the Regional Committee on First Nations Languages is to contribute to the maintenance and revitalization of their ancestral languages.
That all First Nations have meaningful opportunities to live their cultures and learn their languages.
Our languages are based on the land. Our humble and respectful relationships with the land and between Nations must be the basis for the actions and the decisions we take with our languages.
Our languages need us to prosper. We must be persistent and courageous in our mission if we wish to transmit and preserve them for current and future generations.
Inspired by the knowledge and know-how of of our ancestors and our Elders, we are committed to working together to reach our common objectives, by striving to offer the very best of ourselves. Now, as in the past, we must work together to ensure the survival of our languages.
Taking into account resolution 05-2022 and since January 2023’s strategic planning exercise, we have outlined the following mandates: